Airbag Man's 2021/22 Donations

Every year the Team at Airbag Man donate to a variety of charities that we think make a difference & what we feel passionate about. Below is a list of the charities we have donated to for 2021/22 & what their mission is.


Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd Australia

Sea Shepherd is an international direct-action ocean conservation movement. Our mission is to protect defenceless marine wildlife and end the destruction of habitat in the world’s oceans. Since 1977, Sea Shepherd has used innovative direct-action tactics to defend, conserve and protect the delicately balanced biodiversity of our seas and enforce international conservation laws. Read more

Australian Marine Conservation Society

Australian Marine Conservation Society

We are an independent charity, staffed by a committed group of scientists, educators and passionate advocates who have defended Australia’s oceans for over 55 years. Our paid and volunteer staff work every day to protect our coasts and oceans. Read more

